Preliminary Analysis of cassava peel’s energy for Biochar Formation
Biochar, Energy Densification, Cassava HuskAbstract
The definition of biochar is given as a biological waste produced from a pyrolysis with low levels of oxygen, which results in a porous material and low carbon density (Beesley et al., 2011). Considering that Biochar is a biochar, composed of organic waste (sugar cane straw, cassava, and among others) and animal waste being formed through slow pyrolysis (temperature below 500°) with low levels and without control on oxygen. The research in question brings a reuse in agro with the intention of reusing residues such as cassava peel to form biochar. With this aspect the research was developed around bibliographies and documents, bringing a contextualization for the deepening on the subject and starting the discussions as the pyrolysis analysis, immediate chemical analysis, bulk density. The PCS of the in natural material was 11.35 MJ/Kg. With pyrolysis at a temperature of 450°C, with different times as 6 hours, 4 hours, 2 hours, 1 hour, and 30 minutes determining which treatment is more beneficial in the production of biochar. Treatment T2, which is equivalent to a 4 hour roasting, showed a fixed carbon content of 43.45%, energy yield of 43.04% and PCS of 10.90 MJ/kg. While treatment T5 had an energy yield of 63.50%, being the highest yield among all treatments, fixed carbon content of 31.53% and PCS of 15.95 MJ/Kg. Thus, it can be stated that the treatment T5, was the one that presented the best energy result, because it obtained a gain of 34% in PCS, and there was also an increase in energy yield.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jade Zepelin Rodrigues Olmedo, Thais Alessandra Da Silva, Sabrina Alves Da Silva, Cauã Silveira De Lima, Nanci Keiko Matsumoto, Carlos Toshiyuki Hiranobe , Isabela Marques Queiroz, Andrea Cressoni De Conti
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