

  • Felipe Ferreira Alves Costa Engenharia de Energia, Faculdade de Engenharia e Ciências (FEC) - UNESP Rosana, Avenida Dos Barrageiros, 1881, Rosana, 19274-000, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Gustavo Manfredini Cerqueira Engenharia de Energia, Faculdade de Engenharia e Ciências (FEC) - UNESP Rosana, Avenida Dos Barrageiros, 1881, Rosana, 19274-000, São Paulo, Brasil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3722-2796
  • Muriel Ramos de Oliveira São Paulo State University
  • Maria Costa de Oliveira Botan Engenharia de Energia, Faculdade de Engenharia e Ciências (FEC) - UNESP Rosana, Avenida Dos Barrageiros, 1881, Rosana, 19274-000, São Paulo, Brasil


Biodiesel, Tecnologia, Catalisadores, Novas técnicas de transesterificação, Matriz energética brasileira


The global dependence on fossil fuels is a problem that has been much discussed
due to environmental concerns and the non-renewable nature of these fuels.
Therefore, alternative sources such as biodiesel have been gaining ground in the
global energy matrix. According to the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas
and Biofuels (ANP), Brazil is the 4th largest producer of biodiesel in the world,
with potential for growth. This work aims to review the reading and evolution of
Brazilian biodiesel generation between the period 2012 to 2022, as well as to
present innovations and scientific advances in this area. To carry out this literary
review, articles and TCCs published on Websites were used, in addition to
statistical data from the Brazilian Government and private companies. It is
possible to analyze the growth in biodiesel production, the benefits of different
catalysts, and new transesterification techniques. Thus, it is concluded that
biodiesel has a positive potential, but that it can still benefit from more incentives
for the development of new technologies.


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How to Cite

Ferreira Alves Costa, F. ., Manfredini Cerqueira, G. ., Ramos de Oliveira, M. ., & Costa de Oliveira Botan , M. (2024). EVOLUTION OF BIODIESEL IN THE LAST 10 YEARS - A LITERATURE REVIEW. Engineering & Technology Scientific Journal, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.55977/etsjournal.v01i01.e024003



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